1995 GL1500 GoldWing SE, 20th Anniversary Edition in solid
Pearl Glacier White I really liked my GL1200 GoldWing when I got it, and when I would see the GL1500 models out on the road, I always thought they were a bit "over the top". Too big, too much bling, simply too much. I don't know when that all changed but it happened slowly. At first I was interested in the newer GL1800s, but I just couldn't justify that kind of money. But as I was looking at used 1800s on eBay and Craigslist, etc. I ended up looking at the 1500s as well. And the more I looked , the more I liked and the prices were down where I could afford one. So I started doing more research on the GL1500 and looking at the different years and model options and for no particular reason I can think of I decided I just had to have a 1995 GL1500SE Anniversary Edition in solid pearl white. I looked at and rode a couple other 1500s and while they just didn't "grab" me, they did tell me for certain that indeed I "needed" a 1500. Finally after almost 2 months of looking, I found this particular bike and bought it. It only had 34,000 miles on it and while it wasn't a "10", there were no real flaws. So how do I like it compared to the 1200? I'm amazed at the differences in the 2 bikes. The 1200 was smooth. The 1500 is smoooooth. The 1200 was powerful. The 1500 is POWERFUL. In every way that the 1200 is a nice bike, the 1500 is simply much nicer. Even with all the upgrades and improvement I made to my 1200, the stock 1500 (for me) is head and shoulders a better bike. I am so happy I made the change. So far, I have added:
TIPS & TRICKS Touch Up Paint Steering Stem Adjustment Blue Smoke Puff on Startup (WARNING! - MOTOR OIL
OPINIONS) While it is true that any oil, changed regularly will provide adequate lubricating protection for your engine. However, oils can do more than provide simple lubrication. Different oils contain different additives for the market they are aimed at. Most popular automotive motor oils are no longer suitable for use in motorcycles with a wet clutch (like the GoldWing) because of "friction modifiers" than could cause the clutch to slip. That leaves mainly motorcycle-specific oils and "big-rig" diesel oils. I use Chevron Delo400 15w-40 motor oil. This is a big-rig diesel rated oil and has additives specific for that application that I feel are also applicable for use in motorcycles. So what does this have to do with the smoke puff on startup? It could be the higher detergent levels in these diesel oils are keeping the seals clean and functioning properly. It could also be that they maintain a higher viscosity level and simply are less prone to leaking past the rings and seals. I had a diesel truck for a while and many folks on the diesel forum I visited swore that their oil consumption was greatly reduced just by switching from regular automotive oils to the diesel rated oils like Delo400. This would seem to support the "less likely to leak past" theory, so you be the judge. There are other diesel oils out there and some are also available in a synthetic formula if you are so inclined and have a thick wallet. I highly recommend you check them out and try one if you are currently using a common automotive oil in your GoldWing. Weak Fuel Pump Syndrome