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Religion is a funny thing. Every major religion claims to have the right way, the ONLY way to God. The modern response of many folks is that ALL ways lead to God. I have to think that this is really "all ways leading to all gods".  In other words, it is worshipping false gods. It is making and molding a god that fits your needs. It is backwards theology. God created us in His image, not the other way around.

So, what is the "right" religion? What is the true way to God?

This much I know.

bulletJesus' birth, life, death and resurrection were foretold centuries in advance by the prophets.
bulletHe performed countless miracles
bulletHealed the sick
bulletGave sight to the blind
bulletMade the lame to walk
bulletChanged water to wine
bulletFed thousands with a handful of food
bulletWalked on water
bulletMade calm a violent storm
bulletHis deity is expressed by:
bulletHe brought the dead back to life
bulletHe forgave sins
bulletJesus disciples witnessed a supernatural meeting between Jesus and the long dead prophets Moses and Elijah. 
bulletHe cast out demons from the demon possessed
bulletOften the demons Jesus cast out acknowledged His deity
bulletJesus Himself rose from the dead
bulletHe has influenced the whole world like no other person before or since
bulletWhen Jesus was rejected by His own people, He willingly let Himself be led to a cruel execution and then said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." 
bulletContrast that with other religious founders who were renowned for their violence.
bulletJesus gives us absolute assurance of the way to God.
bulletIt is not a maybe.
bulletIt is not an issue of IF you do enough of the right things then you will go to God.
bulletIt is not what we can do but what Jesus has already done.

Here it is in a nutshell . . .

The very voice of God called out from heaven and said of Jesus, "This is my beloved Son. Listen to him!" Luke 9:35

Jesus said , "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, but by me. John 14:6

So God says we should listen to Jesus and then Jesus says He is the way to God. Seems pretty plain that there is only one way to God and it is through Jesus the Christ.